1 Corinthians 11-16
In the past few months I have taken the challenge to read
and reread the words of our modern day Apostles. For a few of the prized quotes I used some of my photos to
create image meme’s that help to share the deep emotion their words bring.
The Apostle Paul who lived almost two thousand years ago said
it best,
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.”
These men have chosen to be followers of Christ. Their
actions, their service, their leadership of family, and their lives of
integrity reflect their high moral characters and the true desires of their
hearts. While many of the topics
of their talks are universally pertinent, a few could not be found in the
indexes of our sacred scripture. Topics such as social media or “The
Proclamation on the Family” are distinct to our social time. As I read their words, my hope
returned and I saw that if they could learn to serve our Savior through all of
their trials then I could, in this time and place, do the same. While I revere
the testimony of the many ancient prophets and their words will forever ring
true, the words of the modern day prophets give needed direction for the choices we
face in our day and time.
When Paul spoke to the Corinthians, it was if he was
speaking at a General Conference. He spoke on the topics that were pertinent to
the church during his time. He spoke of the need to preserve marriage
(11:3-15), of the accepted length of a woman's hair, reverencing the sacrament ( 11:20-30), of Spiritual gifts
(12-14) and of the resurrection.
My daughter’s genuine smile is large and contagious. As she
led our class through the many lessons of Paul she kept reminding us of the
upcoming October conference and how once again we will have the privilege of
hearing wise words of our Apostles meant for our day. As she taught I felt her
joy for the gospel and I felt gratitude for the grace of God that we have such
a church which gives us not only instruction for our day, but opportunities for
growth and learning.
I truly felt God’s charity for me and my family. As I
enjoyed the lengthy class discussion on charity and the many other gifts of the
spirit, I found a renewal of my faith to seek charity within myself and share
it with others in my family and social circles.
It has to do with how charity changes both the giver and the
receiver. While the gift of tongues bridges cultural communication gaps, it cannot
change hearts the way charity can. And while some are given to wisdom and
others knowledge, miracles, or prophecy all of these call attention to the
bearer of the gift, but charity alone gives back what it receives and bonds the
giver to the receiver. Still, all gifts, like all parts of the body are needed.
I love to think about how charity brings us closer to God,
for we truly cannot have charity without having a relationship with God. We
need God’s love to help us suffer long, to be kind, especially in difficult
or negative relationships, to find contentment in our possessions and social
situations, to not puff ourselves up. Charity teaches us to be humble and to be
strong in the midst of provocation. It teaches us to think only good, even when
evil is present. We may recognize the evil, but we choose to think only good.
Charity rejoices in truth and through the power of he
atonement learns to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and
endure all things.
And that is when I realized that from the Apostles at
General Conference I found charity. Charity for my weakness for they have had
to live through their own. Charity for my lack of knowledge for I am still a
toddler in the gospel. Charity for my wisdom for I err in my judgment often.
Charity is the gift that the Lord Jesus Christ gives us when he instructs and nurtures
Now as we begin to prepare for yet another conference of
topics that come from the heart of these chosen men of God, I will look for
answers to my prayers that these men will speak to our day yet again. And that
they will borrow from the wisdom of the ages and the experience of this day and
age and give me the guidance to help me follow them, even as they follow
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