A Wicked Man
One lone and very wicked man,
Who swept his eye across the land;
He dreamt of power, pursued command,
And held the sheep within his hand.
His words were cunning, full of praise;
Hopes of masses, he did raise.
He played upon their fears and rage,
And led them meek across the stage.
Doubts, he very swiftly quelled,
With lies and rumors, he could tell.
With wisdom of the people felled,
Support for evil spread and swelled.
A few dissenters in their midst,
Were crushed beneath his iron fist.
"They have no right to mar our bliss;
Their naysaying we shall resist!"
"A new world order's what we'll make,
And God's commandments, we'll forsake,
We'll cause the very Earth to shake!
As ownership of all, we'll take!"
"The slothful will be uppercrust;
The rich we'll trample into dust!
Old institutions we will bust!
Vote for me; give me your trust!"
"Liberty is old--passe;
You'll have a king who'll keep you safe.
We'll rid ourselves of tired ways.
I promise you, new hope and change!"
Mostly that's true; the changes came,
And very little stayed the same.
Eden reached, but caused dismay;
The garden was in disarray.
And happiness soon ebbed away,
As no one could be found to pay,
For all the fun, and romp, and play,
That for a time, had ruled the day.
Scary when the people found,
This chaos not a cheerful sound.
And when the people looked around,
That rascal had them tied and bound.
The lesson here is watch and pray,
Lest ye be found to rue the day,
When thoughts to remake all old ways,
Will first be offered you as "change."
It's easy to be fooled by cunning men with flattering words. Remember, men of God do not always speak flattering words; they speak the truth. And men who seek to rule you do not have your best interests at heart.
Liberty is of God, monarchy is of man.