“The way a book is read — which is to say, the qualities a reader brings to a book — can have as much to do with its worth as anything the author puts into it…. Anyone who can read can learn how to read deeply and thus live more fully.”
~Norman Cousins

Writing is where we truly learn. Join the Journey.

I read from my scriptures (book), but you can find scripture reference here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1 Timothy 4:1- 6 seducing spirits

When I was much younger, lol... I believed that beauty belonged to the mirror. I used to think that I had to be thin, fair faced, well dressed, and manicured to find beauty.  Beauty poured from a bottle and begged to be understood by how I perceived others saw me.

As the years have faded the rose of my cheek, the plump of my smile, I have learned that, beauty is an art. It is the act of giving yourself to others so that the two of you (as friends) become one in emotion and experience. It cannot be ranked, competed with, or even measured. It comes from the heart. It comes from selfless love for nature, for others, for self, and for the community in which we live.

Beauty comes from a pure soul that seeks words of faith and the practice of good doctrine. As I thought of Paul's words about how there would be a falling away in the latter days, I was drawn to consider the seduction of what the world perceives to be beauty.

Two proverbs come to mind:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:
 beauty cannot be judged objectively, for what one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another.
Beauty is only skin-deep 
a pleasing appearance is not a guide to character.

If you look at Paul's words with the eye of beauty... you can see how the world has given us seducing spirits and doctrines of devils that teach (in relation to beauty) lies, hypocrisy, and other temptations.

Beauty cannot be owned. It cannot be held. It must be felt from within. True beauty comes from the soul.

Paul taught that a falling away would occur. An apostasy if you will. It would occur because of

A. Seducing (tempting) spirits
B. Doctrines of Devils
Together these would

  • 1. speak lies (i.e.tell us that beauty is perfection. That beauty must be seen and never felt. 
  • 2. hypocrisy  (i.e. hypocrites tell us that if we buy a certain product we will feel beautiful. The thing they forget to tell you is that no matter how beautiful you may look to another person, the only person that matters is you and it is not how you look, but rather how you feel.) 
  • 3. sear your conscience . ( when you have been misled by media's perfect photo, pornography, harlots, materialism, lust, etc.. and you realize your mistake and all that you have lost, your conscience will cry out) 
  • 4. forbid marriage ( this can be many things.. whatever forbids the organization, upkeep, and love of a family. Whatever there is that teaches you that the family is not important.. then you have been seduced by devilish doctrine. 
  • 5. vegetarianism - Paul reminds us that the animal and plant kingdom both have been ordained for the use of man for both food and clothing.

These evil doctrines may come from old wives tales.. from traditions.

But in the latter day a few sources I have found: advertising, marketing, corporate greed, food that would harm us but we have been misled to consider that it is good for us, pornography, gaming, idle use of our time.

It is important for us to remember that in order to be a "good minister of Jesus Christ" we must nourish ourselves with the words of faith... and of good doctrine. We must be aware of such doctrines that would temp us to believe untruths. We must be vigilant in seeking out the true outcomes of our behaviors and how they will affect not only us but our future generations that will come in our families "latter times".

The most beautiful smiles come from the young heart yet untouched 
and the old soul who has given much.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Bishop to Serve ( 1 Timothy 3)

 Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. 

Bishops are men of great stature. They are respected for their many attributes. When a man is called to serve as a bishop, his entire family is called. He will require their understanding, their patience, their kindness and their help. He will require that he "hold the mystery of the faith in pure conscience.

Our family has reaped the blessings of helping our father lead others as he served as Bishop of the Zionsville, Indiana Ward.(1998-2001) While the experience was his: he counseled, he led, he served, he taught, he went to untold amount of meetings, and he leaned on his counselors, the experience proved to be one that benefited our entire family. 

In looking back on the two and one-half years that my husband served, I have seen the Lord's hand as he  guided our family through a very dark (corporate and financial) storm. I can now see how my husband loved other families and helped their faith grow. I can see how he made endearing friendships. I can see how his leadership helped lead not only a ward family, but our family through very difficult times. Times that we could not have understood nor had the faith to comprehend without God's leadership and love. 

It was a time when our own family began the experience of many serious life threatening surgeries. (daughter and son).  It was a time when our eldest daughter left for college and began to test her own wings of flight. Our oldest children entered and traversed their teenage years and began to experience life on their own. 

I know that the Lord looks after those whom he calls to serve as Bishop. I know that he looks after their families. During the time that my husband served, during this phase of our life, I know that I would not have wanted to be anywhere other than within "the fire of God's Love." I know that as we served we were also served. I have many stories that bear witness to the "pure conscience" of the mystery of faith. 

Paul says Bishops should have certain qualifications. Deacons too have a list. I agree, but also know that no man is perfect. No man can have all of these. So let him have some of these and work hard to find the rest, or to find good counselors who can complement him with their own strengths. 

I- Insolent (not)


other words:  leader, vigilant, of good report, truthful, desirous of good works, not given to wine, not greedy, or of filthy lucre, not a brawler, not covetous, be able to rule his own house, 
with his children in subjection, not a novice with pride, 
good report with those who have not the faith, that he may not be  snared by the devil. 
family: children in subjection with all gravity, wives: grave, sober, faithful, not slanders

What does it mean to "Hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience?"
Paul taught that we should "examine yourselves, weather ye be in the faith; prove your own selves." (2 Corinthians 13:5) I think (I know) that service given as one serves must constantly be proven and reexamined. Great are the opportunities to serve, but great also are the opportunities to "faith have made shipwreck."(1 Timothy 1:9) Paul understood that those who lead the church (as well as all of us who believe) must examine and prove ourselves to keep our hearts pure, and our conscience whole. 


Friday, September 24, 2010

Eve's Prayer (1 Timothy 2 )

                                                                   Eve's Prayer

Paul says pray. 
To Eve's daughter 
and man "not deceived" he instructs, 
pray for a quiet and peaceful life. 

Pray for all men. 
Give thanks.
Give supplication.
Pray for intercession. 

Paul says,
to Eve's daughters
adorn not yourselves 
in costly array, 
rather dress yourselves in modesty 
and good works. 

Paul says, 
to Eve's sons, 
Pray everywhere,
with holy hands 
lifted up. 

Paul says, 
daughters should 
take lesson from Mother Eve
and exist 
in silence
in subjection
in teaching
in the rank of being "deceived." 

As a woman I pray
with my handmaiden hands, holy and pure.
I leave my wrath and doubt 
in Eden's Garden
For Paul to consider. 

For my faith is not shamefaced. 
But doth profess godliness. 
And my face doest reflect Mother Eve's choice of life.

I learn with quiet sobriety
not for my deception, 
but for the joy of God's plan for me, 
a woman, a daughter of Eve. 

In charity,
in holiness, 
do I bear the children of the world. 

Knowing that in the birthing of 
God's children God hast saved me, 
a woman, 
to steady the faith,
to silent the subjection, 
and to teach the authority
all as I rock..... the cradle. 

Most assuredly God knew and set to intercede for us when 
from the womb of Eve's daughter Mary,
came the Lord Jesus Christ 
born to mediate,
between the "one God" and man, 
even the sons of Eve. 

I enjoyed Paul's exhortation to prayer. I felt he prayed for the family. He wanted the women to not give heed to the temptations that would cause disruption in the society that depended on a "quiet and peaceable life." He understood the power of women in society and wanted to quiet it so that the church would go forth without disruption.

But did he consider the role of women as the bearers of children. If he had considered this role in a more eternal perspective, he might have understood what I believe, that Eve had choice. She exercised her choice not out of pure deception but out of desire to bring children into the world. How long did she live in the Garden? a thousand years? ?? we don't know. But we do know that she was able to watch over other life. She must have understood the need for procreation. I do not believe that her "deception" was as naive as it appears. I believe she knew that a choice between life eternal and life in the Garden had to be made. One required the sacrifice of the other.

One bestowed gifts that the other could not. With her choice to partake of the fruit of life came the responsibility of bearing life and thus began the journey to eternal life. It would require that God's son receive a body. It would require that someone be able to bear life and intercede between heaven and earth, between body and spirit. As a woman she accepted this role. Man has often scoffed at our childbirth pain. Weather this is because of their inability to comprehend it, or their jealousy at not being able to entertain it, does not matter. Paul, as a man was limited in his understanding of the joy and the saving element that childbirth brings.

Before my children were born, my life's meaning was at best temporal. I enjoyed my life. I loved learning, and enjoyed others immensely, but after the birth of my children, I began an earnest seeking of God's eternal plan. And not alone, but rather with the companion and as a family.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"So Do" 1 Timothy

"So Do"

To my own son,
a man
in the faith
of God our Father
and Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Of faith, make
not a shipwreck.

Have "no other doctrine"
steer your course.
Let not "what they say"
hold wind
to your sail.

To the fable's teacher,
question a destination.
To the endless genealogies,
turn from the power of their tale.

Know that these teachers'
vain janglings
hold no power of place,

And bend from the law
that bestows a course
of both mercy and grace.

From their
fruitless jabberings,
turn aside.

that charity,
from a pure heart
doth unfeigned faith abide.

Turn your hearts course,
back to faith's pattern,
let it tack across God's
open ocean.

Ministry with
a good conscience
play upon the wave of His law
with the steadiest of

Set your sextant
upon the light
of God's brightest star.

Charge all who would
sail with you
to defend the truth
and war a good war.

Teach them that the law is not
meant to set fear to mutiny's race,
but to serve them
with edification's
of God's mercy and grace.

Hold strong to your pattern of faith,
let its course set you,
upon a steady current
of long suffering hope.

my own son,

the King Eternal,
the only true and wise God
for ever and ever
within your scope.

Copyright Linda Conkey Shaw Sept 23 2010

Words and Phrases 

vs 1 which is our hope - Paul is writing a letter to Timothy.. He, as an apostle of Jesus Christ offers hope through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and God our Savior 
vs 2 my own son - Timothy was born of a Greek mother and Paul had all but adopted him "in the faith." This verse serves as a salutation to him and offers his well wishes of grace, mercy and peace. 
vs 3 teach no other doctrine - an apostasy had begun in the church. With Paul no longer there to oversee the affairs, the teachings, and the administration of the church other's had put their words, ideas, and teachings into circulation. 
vs 4 fables - long winded stories were the known vehicle of passage of tales and teaching. The written word was scarce and the education of people depended greatly upon those that could retell a story. As time would have it the "teachings" would be tweaked and changed to make it more enjoyable, more believable, or just more entertaining. What might have started as a true account through the passage of many tellings ends up becoming a fable. 
vs 4 endless genealogies - those that have carried the power in the past sought to retain the power in the future through the recitation of their genealogical ties to greatness. It worked because of the power of intimidation and awe that accompanied the fables and tales. 
vs 4 godly edifying which is in faith - faith brings edification not doubt. Faith uplifts ones soul and casts no doubt upon the good name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith must be adhered to by the law of Moses. 

 vs 4 so do: be sure to edify through faith in all of your teachings. Do not use fables, nor hierarchies of genealogies but rather lift up those by strict adherence to God's law. 
vs 5 the commandment - speaks that faith comes from charity of a pure heart. Real faith speaks of a good conscience and pure desire to do good. 
vs 5 faith unfeigned - real faith. 
vs 6 vain jangling - unproductive speaking. Words that have no purpose or direction.
vs 7 desiring to be teachers - many have tried to teach God's law, but those that teach it in truth have had experience with God's grace and mercy and can speak of experience. These that must be teachers must understand what they say and affirm what they teach by the power of faith within them. 
vs 8 - law is good - God's law of Moses is good when used correctly. 
vs 9-10 law is not made for righteous - Law of Moses is a standard set in place to help those that do not understand God's mercy and grace find his love and faith. By measuring their lives against the law, they can correct their behavior and find place in his love. The law is for those who are unrighteous so that they might be made aware of their errant attitudes. 
vs 11 committed to my trust -Paul was entrusted in the keeping of the gospel. It was given to him to keep it pure and clean and true so that those who went to it to find a relationship with Jesus might be able to do so. 
vs 12-15 counted me faithful - Notwithstanding all that Saul did... God entrusted Paul to the ministry. 
vs 16 - for a pattern - We look to those who live contemporary lives for examples of how we might obtain mercy, grace, faith and life everlasting. 
vs 18 war a good warfare - the battle has begun to not only keep the faith, but to keep the faith pure and clean of fables, of exaggerations, of falsehoods, and of power. Paul has entrusted the church at Ephesus. 
vs 19 faith have made shipwreck - there are those who have destroyed the faith by introducing all that is pagan and false. They do so because of their love of teaching, but they don't understand what they teach or how they will lead astray those that seek to know the truth. 


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Letters......................The Book of Timothy (an introduction.)New Testament Bible

Written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy (1 Timothy 1:1) around A.D. 62-66. Paul wanted to encourage Timothy as he took care of the Ephesian church. This letter helps teach Timothy on how to organize the leadership and priesthood of the early church. It is in essence an administration manual.

1 Timothy and Titus were written possibly between the time of Paul’s first and second imprisonments in Rome, whereas 2 Timothy was written when his death was imminent, about a.d.67 or 68.

The following was taken from here ( a church site) as reference to what will be covered.

Administration of the Church—Paul outlined qualifications for certain church leaders, especially bishops (1 Tim. 3:1–13). Important instructions were also given regarding the church’s responsibility to various classes of members within the church—the aged, the young, the widows—all of whom were to be treated with discretion according to their situation and needs (1 Tim. 5:1–20).

2. False Teachers and Apostasy—Corrupt teachers were, and would be, on the scene encouraging questions, doubting(s), disputations, and strife among the members (1 Tim. 6:3–10). Timothy was to avoid these teachers and teachings, and to warn the saints against such (1 Tim. 1:4–11, 1 Tim. 4:7, 1 Tim. 6:3–11, 17, 20).

3. An Example of Godliness—As a leader, Timothy was admonished to be “an example of the believers, in word, in conversation [conduct], in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4:12). He was also to encourage the saints to “be rich in good works” (1 Tim. 6:18) and to live in a godly manner (1 Tim. 6:3).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

those whom he loves (Helaman 15: 1-17)

What is it that makes you feel secure? How do you define love?

Children know that a direct correlation exists between discipline and love. They know the best way to say I love you is to give discipline for errant behavior.

A mother was busy cooking dinner when her young daughter pulled on her pants.

“Mommy, I hit Molly.”

“Okay sweetie, Mommy’s cooking dinner now,” came the reply.

“But , Mommy I hit Molly.”

“Well that’s nice honey. What did you need? “

Finally a third attempt caught her mother’s attention.

“But Mommy, I hit Molly. I need to be punished?”

What was Molly after? What was her mother not giving her that she needed to remind her three times that she had hit her friend? What kept the mother from giving her daughter the love she wanted and craved? How do you define love? How do you define discipline? Are they the same?

I know that parents are busy and distracted. But discipline teaches much more than good behavior. Discipline is a form of love that helps build bridges of communication between parents and children. Which would you choose, to be ignored and receive no discipline or to receive discipline and know that you are loved? Discipline helps guide us. It helps us know that someone cares enough about us to keep us safe, to bring security to our chaotic world.

Words and Phrases

Vs 1 except ye shall repent – repent is another way of saying come back to me. Come find the love I have for you. Accept the punishment for your mistakes and use it to help you improve your life.
Vs 3 hath he chastened them because he loves them – Show me a happy child and I will show you a structure of discipline. Why? Because the child does not have to worry about what is wrong or right. The structure acts as a sure guide. If they choose wrong they will suffer the consequences that loving parents have put in place to keep them from hurting themselves.

Vs 5 they do walk circumspectly before God – this means they walk around God carefully considering their actions, their words, their deeds, their behavior. They walk with measured steps.

– faith brings a new beginning. New hope, new heart. Faith helps us renew our lives with strength from God.

Vs 9 they fear to sin – buried their weapons of war. Set in place a plan to keep themselves from ever finding themselves in sin or (separated from their God).

Vs 10 because of their firmness – they are able to stay their course..

Vs 11 dwindle in unbelie
f – Why do we dwindle in unbelief.. because when we don’t believe we don’t have a plan.. and we hang around. We dwindle… When we believe.. we have a plan. We have a goal. We have action and a course.

Vs 12 the Lord shall be merciful to them – whenever we give heed to the Lord’s discipline we are understanding his mercy

Vs 13 be numbered among his shee
p - when we are of his sheep, we are assured his love. We are assured his security, his protection, his plan, his structure for our life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

that they might know and remember (Helaman 16) a first ray of light

Families have stories that settle deep within us, that become the core strength of our existence, of our success, of our faith. These stories become our shafts of light that not only teach us so that we might know, but also remind us of how we first came to know of his love.

Faith is to believe in things hoped for but not seen. But sometimes.. the Lord allows us to see and feel and behold things ..... so that as Samuel says
"that they might know and remember at the time of their coming that they had been made
known unto them beforehand."

If we don't take time to write these blessings and accounts down, we might forget and miss the opportunities that God wants us to receive. I am grateful to my father for his written account of our families first ray of light.

My parents married in 1954 in Florida. Because my father had recently returned from Japan he attended school on the GI Bill. Before he set a goal to graduate from Michigan State University he and my mother set out to farm a small acreage of land on the family farm. Farming is not an easy life, and they struggled to make ends meet.
By the grace of God they managed. But then one July day in 1955 a heavy rain deluged his crops and drove him to his knees. The downpour had destroyed everything and left him totally broke. He prayed like he had never prayed before. He prayed until God showed him a sign. From this sign he knew that he had been heard and that his prayers had been answered.

After much consultation and consideration the family moved to Florida and began life anew. Then in September of 1960 a knock came upon their door. Two missionaries stood at their threshold telling him of eternal truths.

Dad politely listened as he smoked his cigarettes. He politely listened until he heard them speak of Joseph Smith's vision, of a ray of light. A ray of light that came as a shaft from heaven and lit the entire space of his room.

At this testimony my father took pause. His heart skipped. His throat tightened. He too had seen a light. Back in Michigan on his knees, he too had experienced this same answer to prayer. A spirit of truth shot through him. An understanding took root and he began to listen with greater sincerity.

In answer to his prayers, God had sent him a shaft of light as a sign to his love. My father recognized this light as the truth that he had felt that hot Michigan night while on his knees. He recognized that he had been given "that "he" might know and remember at the time of their coming that "his love" had been made known unto "him" beforehand.

Dad accepted the gospel and was baptized December 17, 1960. This December will mark 50 years in the faith of Jesus Christ. As he puts it... December 17 marks my birthday into eternal life.      

God will prepare the way for us, but we must do our part. My father was able to recognize the truth of God's love in the message of the missionaries because he did his part. He prayed with a sincere heart and then he exercised this prayer through his faith. When God sent his missionaries his heart was prepared to "know and remember" and then receive.

How has God prepared his love for me? How has my life been changed because my father accepted the message of the Lord's missionaries? Why is it important for me to write and ponder these things from time to time? Why is it so easy in today's world to be carried away by the winds of the world and forget all that God has given and done for us?

Words and Phrases

vs 1 many who heard - there are many who listen and hear the words of the prophets. We are blessed with many great blessings when we heed the words of God's beloved prophets.
vs 2 The spirit of the Lord was with him - God will protect his prophets until the time of their message is fulfilled.
vs 3 - there were many more who did believe - (because they could not hit him) strange way to convert, but okay. God's power is mightier than man's strength.

vs 4. that they might know - baptizing, prophesying, preaching, repent, signs wonders, miracles.. ... not a little work for the welfare of the souls of men.

vs 5 that they might know and remember at the time of their coming that they had been made known unto them before hand - we all have things that God has told us and when it happens we think back. I knew that was going to happen. When we listen.. When we read. When we take the time God will direct us and show us all that we must do to be kept safe and to witness to us that He is real and that his Mission is for our salvation.
vs 6 he hath a devil - Why would they think this? Because they could not understand God's ways. Because he was able to tell the future. Because of his gifts of the spirits. Because they were not lovers of truth, but rather lovers of selfishness.

vs 10 the more part of the people.. .the lesser part - not very equally divided.

vs 13 great signs given unto the people - wonders, -
vs 14 the scriptures began to be fulfilled -

vs 15 depend upon their own strength - it is the most difficult path when we will not allow our father's wisdom to guide us.
vs 17 they began to reason ... and contend - reasoning is not faith. reasoning leads to contention. Why? because reasoning means that you must rely on the mind of man and only one man can be right. Faith allows for greater perspective.

vs 22 many more things did they people imagine
- when our faith fails us we turn to our imagination. When our faith fails us we forget to remember the signs of his love.
vs 23 not withstanding the signs and the wonders - we all have opportunity to have God work in our lives. I believe that a loving Father makes it possible for all of us to receive his love in our life and to know of signs that witness to our heart. But some of us will refuse these signs... some of us will "notwithstanding" all that we see and know and believe. Some of us will forget, we will not write it down upon our hearts.

In our family, my father has written it down. In his personal history he tells a most eloquent story of his conversion and the shaft of light that became his sign. Everytime I hear or remember the story of Joseph Smith's prayer in the sacred grove, I am reminded of my father's prayer one cold Spring night. I am reminded that this sign was given that we (his family) might all "know and remember" how God loves us and how God sends us signs so that when the truth comes our hearts know.

no cause for unbelief (Helaman 14: 20-39)

"No cause for unbelief "

Life doesn't always turn out the way we would like.

We work hard to build lives that offer financial success. But the financial world is, like the relatively new science of economics describes as unstable as the human psyche that created it.

We work hard to build lives that bring physical stability. But like the flowers that bloom and then fade away in the afternoon sun, our bodies turn tide against us.

We work hard to build lives that bring social security. But friends that we network with change, families move away, jobs end and the politics that frame our standards and laws ebb and swell with the changing mood of the masses.

So where do we go to build an infrastructure of sureness? To whom do we turn?

In my life I have had many miracles. I have had many reasons that I could say "I have no cause for unbelief." With an unseen hand my God has directed my paths and the paths of my children. He has loved me and given me great reason for rejoicing.

As I thought of these verses I realized I could not think of one instance or one occurrence that spoke louder than another. Instead I have had many that have helped my faith wax strong. As I have dipped my candle into the words, the counsel and the direction of wisdom's call, my inner candle of faith has waxed stronger.

I have never felt the earth move under my feet or know the fear of walls falling around me, but I have the structure of my life pulled out from under me more than once only to find that my faith has steadied me.

I have never felt the wind of a tempest blow me down or watch it carry away every earthly possession, but I have had angry and bitter winds of corporate jealousy, greed, and competition threaten to destroy all that my family represented, only to find that I was carried by God's love through a storm so fierce that I would not have survived without Him.

I have never seen an angry volcano explode and spew hot lava or ash over my world, but I have known the fear that angry words bring, the aftermath of angry emotions, and the peace that forgiveness forges as well as the fertile soil that comes from understanding.

I have never seen a mountain laid low or a hurricane blow its mighty wrath upon the land, but I have seen the hand of God as it steered my life on a course that would make it possible to heal my child's birth defects in such a way that she would not only be able to live a normal life, but would do so with grace and most importantly without a sense of victimization.

My trials are not over. Life isn't something we orchestrate as you would a physical structure. It is much more fragile. Life requires faith in energy that lives within the materials we use to build the structure. The elemental source of life itself.
We call Him God. He is the one that keeps the rocks from falling on us during a catastrophe (either physical or spiritual). He is the one who loves us beyond our greatest comprehension. All he requires is that we understand... we "have no cause for unbelief."

Words and Phrases

vs 20 in that day... From the time Christ dies there begins a time of 3 days where there is no light. This could have been because of an eclipse, or a volcano explosion which would block the light from the sky, or ???
vs 25 graves shall be opened - a first resurrection for those who died before the Savior.
vs 27 a darkness - for three days. This darkness was like no other. The closest I could think of would be like going into a cave and turning out your flashlight.
vs 28 to the intent - might believe.. to the intent no cause for unbelief. So in other words.. those that believe will have great cause to believe... so great will be the signs and wonders that will be predicted and known beforehand.. and also the miracles of those who will be saved because of their faith and obedience..

vs 29 a righteous judgement - those who will not believe will be judge according to just judgments.
vs 30 perishes unto himself - those who do not believe .. believe in themselves. and therefor they will perish unto himself. There is not reward in not believing in the Savior Jesus Christ. You are alone. You have no community, no help, no truth.

vs 31..choose life or death - this is not about a physical life, but rather a spiritual life. When we choose eternal life, we gain an understanding of what it means to live. All of the physical turmoil around us cannot distract us from our faith in Christ.
We have no reason.. no cause for unbelief.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The second death (Helaman 14: 11-19)


Second Death

Wildlife abounds near my mother's home. Rabbits, snakes, ducks, deer, egrets, herons, fiddler crabs, mice, and songbird have all given story to our lives. This story is about one songbird that once lived midst the tall shade pines.

The long-leaf pine trees that now tower some forty-fifty feet over my mother's beautiful butterfly garden once stood a mere ten-fifteen feet tall. Their narrow branches bowed low while their floppy needles teased the crabgrass that spotted our yard. When startled birds flitted from man's intrusive presence, the tree's low branches made it possible to view the birds with ease.

Let me begin my story by filling in a few details. I grew up as the third child, only girl, and youngest to two brothers who loved to hunt, fish, blow things up, and well- do things that boys tend to do. Not having a sister, and not wanting to feel left out, I learned to adapt.

I adapted by doing what I saw them do. Fish, hunt, hike, motorbike, build, camp, etc. Harry, (my step-father) was an avid hunter. He took my oldest brother (Don had passed over already) hunting every Saturday. In fact- it was his love of hunting that brought us to South Carolina in the first place as South Carolina boasts the longest hunting season of any state and has great fishing as well.

Because hunting was part of our family culture, and I was somewhat of a "tom-boy", it was not viewed unusual for me to ask for and receive a "Daisy Model 96 BB Gun with lever action" for my twelfth Christmas. I suppose I believed I would hunt at the hunting camp and learn to love nature as my brother did. Harry set up an empty milk jug in the back yard and I began my target practice. I was given strict instructions to always shoot away from the house.

I obviously did not follow these instructions because at some point an errant BB made its way through our large glass window leaving a perfect circular pyramid of cut glass at its exit. Only a perfectly round projectile could do this. I argued my case, but the evidence left an ever-telling mark of an errant BB and a disobedient marksman.

With a fair amount of practice my aim began to find its mark. Soon I could hit not only the empty milk jug (that served to catch my BBs) but also soda cans that I lined up along the picnic table. I next moved to a hanging target and gradually moved my distant back steadying my aim with each pace.

A neighbor girl of my age had also received a BB gun. She and I decided we might attempt to hunt in the woods together. Before I set out to hunt what? (I'm not sure that I put much thought into it) Thinking back on it, I believe that I really just wanted to outdo my friend. I wanted to be the better hunter, the most experienced, and the one with the best shot. Wanting to prepare and get some practice of my own, I scoped my bead on the backyard wildlife.

Perched on a branch just above and across the drainage ditch sat a songbird. He sang a most beautiful song. But my heart did not hear it. My eye was trained on the bead at the end of my gun and all I could think of us was pulling the trigger. I really didn't expect to hit my target. I foolishly believed I would go right or left and the bird would get away. It was after all just a game. A game where I was the powerful hunter, and the songbird was the target.

GREUZE - Young Girl Weeping for her dead bird 1759

My success horrified me and sent me into temporary shock. Dumbfounded with my ability to forever silence such beauty, I felt temporarily paralyzed. Then I heard its limp body hit the ground across the creek from our yard. My senses shook me into a bewildered walk. What would I do? What could I do? Somewhere in the confused mind, I mused, "Maybe I missed and he's just been stunned?"

I crossed the creek by circling back to the street and entering my neighbor's back yard. There on the cold January ground sat the lifeless bird. It's song forever silenced by my selfish game. Tears welled inside of me. "How could I be so foolish?" "How could I be so prideful?" "How could I be so blind as to the sanctity of life and God's gift of nature?" I cried out loud. Finally I set about to act responsibly.

I returned home to find a shovel, a shoebox, and some newspaper. After burying its tiny body in my back yard,( I gave a funeral service complete with song) I retired my BB gun to the cobwebs of our garage. I never picked it up again. I never took aim again. I never wanted to be the best aim, or the best hunter, or have anything to do with robbing the earth of God's gifts of life.

For weeks I despised myself. For weeks I loathed what I had done. Once I saw my friend out hunting alone along the grassy marshland. I saw her take aim at a beautiful heron that stalked its prey in the mudflats. I saw its beak plow into pluff mud, never to return its slender silhouetted form to our skyline. She too felt the shame and retired her desire to hunt. She too felt the shame.

How had society wrong us? How had we been duped into believing that we (as young women) could act like young men? Why had there been such role reversals? Who was I? What was my role? Was killing for sport something that was ingrained in me? My reaction yelled NO.

Nature does not allow for mistakes. I errantly mistook my ability to aim with precision as a game of power and pleasure and it cost a songbird its life. It's burden lay heavy on my heart. Oh that I would have had someone to guide me and warn me of my actions. Oh that I had listened to wisdom's call, and the love for virtue, for good that called me to consider my actions.

Nature is unforgiving. Nothing I could do would bring the bird's song back to life. Nothing I could do would alleviate the pain, the shame, the sorrow, and the regret I felt. Nothing would comfort me. My mistake seemed permanent. And it was. For the Mocking Bird, it was. But for me I learned a great lesson as I began a process of repentance.

Repentance is a process. The first step in understanding repentance is to believe that our mistakes can be forgiven. I did not say made right because some things cannot be undone, but they can be forgiven. In order to believe that they can be forgiven we must first believe in a power greater than nature, greater than heaven and earth, and great enough to change our hearts for good.

The tragedy of this story is not that the songbird was killed, but that I took its life for sport. If I had continued on without regret, without shame or sorrow, my life might have been overshadowed by the darkness of my choice. I would have been unable to see my pride; my arrogance, my foolishness, and my life path would have been one of great tragedy. My spirit would have been at risk for a second death.

We all make mistakes. Some of our mistakes are more serious than others. Some of us cause us to silence the beautiful songs that God has given us. These songs were meant to help us learn to listen to his prophets. All of us face the reality that without the gift of repentance we face daily the risk of the second death. It is a sobering thought and one that we can fix by repenting…….daily.

Words and Phrases

Vs 11 hear my words… we cannot understand the nature or the need of repentance if we do not listen to the prophets who teach us of it.

Vs 11 know the conditions of repentance – who, what, when, where, why, how

Vs 12 know of the coming of Jesus Christ – repentance was made possible because of the coming of Jesus Christ upon the earth. We need first to believe in his name

Vs 13. Believing leads to repentance which leads to a remission (pardoning) because of what Jesus did for us through the atonement. (merits)

Vs 15 the resurrection of the dead – will birds be resurrected? Not sure, but I hope to be because I believe in God's name.

Vs 15 brought into the presence of the Lord – only those of us who have repented and have been given pardon for our sins will stand white and clean before God

Vs 16 Jesus Christ will die so that 1. Resurrection of mankind (birds?) 2 redeemeth us all from the first death that cut us off from the presence of God. When we accept Jesus Christ and believe on his name, we have the right to receive redemption for our sins and heal the affects of the first (spiritual) death.

Vs 17.back into the presence of the Lord – we must believe and we must repent… repay. Our pentances… choose to correct our mistakes.

Why? Because we are in charge of our actions, our course, and it is as if God has given us the wheel and is waiting to see where we will steer ourselves? Back home or back to our sins.

Vs 18. A second death – comes to those who "repenteth not". And they are forbidden to bask in the light of the Savior's love. They are forbidden because they willfully chose to sin.

Vs 18. They are cut off s to the things pertaining to righteousness. – Only those who love righteousness can understand, enjoy and be part of righteousness.

We must learn to love righteousness and change the behavior that causes us to be separated from God's love. We must learn to listen to the songs of nature that call us to a higher voice. A still voice. A small voice that lives within each of us and calmly speaks to us of truth.

The real tragedy is that when we don't listen to the guidance of the prophets, we have to pay the price of our sins. God forgave me for my sin, but a bird still lost its life and I had to go down a path of darkness that I would (to this day) rather not have gone.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

ye shall all be amazed and wonder (Helaman 14: 1-10)

The small room sat in the back west corner of our ranch house. We hadn't lived there very long. My Dad lived in a nearby apartment that we visited on weekends. My brothers (13, 11) and I loved the large hill that sloped down through the back yard. We had spent many hours blowing up ant hills, sinking model ships, and playing in the creek that ran through the meadow at the bottom of the hill. Because they had to "watch over" me, I was always the little sister tag-along. This room, that we were gathered now in, was the boys' room.

I stood with my back against the wall. My bandaged right arm leaned on the foot of my brother's electric hospital bed. The threshold to the door lay only a few inches to the left of my feet. As I leaned backward I could feel the light switch push in between my shoulder blades. I felt small. The room seemed to loom around me and the air swam thickly against my skin. I could see the hairs on my arm stand up.

My mother sat in a chair in the middle of the room. I remember how the ceiling light showered down upon her frail frame. I remember that her spirit exuded an understanding that I yearned to know. My two brothers were in the room, but I could only see my oldest brother. With the aid of his bed he sat as upright as his fractured vertebrae would allow. For him the doctor had prescribed "flat bed rest." Trying to find respite for our pain, he laughed. His jet black hair swung down across his pale face and he said something that calmed me. Then my mother began to speak with a quiet but pointed faith.

"He's here. Can you feel him?" She spoke with a sure tone. I looked at by oldest brother. His eyes grew large and rounded. He returned my gaze before we both turned to face my mother's question.

I had felt him from the moment I had gathered with them. I had known much of what my mother was to vocalize. She began, and I listened with an intent to know.

"Son, we know you are here. Have you come to say goodbye." An electricity shot through me and I stepped forward away from the wall. The stitches in my right knee smarted as I shifted my weight.

"Donnie, can you let us know you are here? Can you give us a sign that you are here?" My mother's whispered words fluttered across the room. My heart raced. I nor my oldest brother said a word.

That's when the light's went out. Once. Twice. Three times. I remember stepping clear from the wall in wonder. I remember reaching out to my mother but never touching her. The emotion of Don's presence engulfed me. I felt him around me. I felt him above me. I felt him near me. It was undeniable that his spirit was with us, comforting, teaching, but mostly just saying "Good bye, I won't be too far," or "Don't forget me," but mostly, "I love you."

Now we all cried. So powerful was the testimony, the sign, his spirit, that our spirits were overcome. Mother said a prayer and my oldest brother and I joined in. We felt a total and complete love. I know that my spirit was touched that day with a truth that comes from the spiritual realms of heaven. A truth that was meant to guide me home.

Don had passed away a few weeks earlier. We had all suffered from injuries from the car accident that had taken his life. My mother had spent several hard days in the hospital healing from injuries that had almost taken her as well. Forty-two years have passed and I will never forget those powerful moments reserved for me. From that day forward I have let the "amazement" of that experience carry me. I have searched to understand and have sought to "believe in his name, the Son of God" that I might have opportunity to meet my brother again.

Jesus Christ promised us that he will "redeem all those who shall believe on his name." This means that Jesus Christ will make restitution for my mistakes. I made many.

For years I did not understand that my brother's death was not my fault. I carried a heavy burden. He had sat in the front seat. I sat there before mother had made me move.
It was from the front seat that he had been thrown from the car. In my young mind I rationalized that it was me who was supposed to go back to heaven. But then I didn't get to go. Why? I was told by well meaning adults that Don got to go because he was "ready", he was "perfect" and thereby God wanted him. So what did that leave me? Imperfect? I began anew knowing I had some work to do?

Jesus Christ, I found would help me. And he started helping me that one afternoon in my brother's bedroom. There I felt the presence of my brother's spirit. I knew where it was. I saw that he was able to turn the lights on and off as I stood not one foot from the unturned light switch. And as surely as I felt his presence, I knew when he had gone. Gone where?
Back to be with our Savior Jesus Christ whose name is so powerful that the heavens and the earth respect it.

I had so many questions. That is the day that my real journey began.
So when Dad wanted me to listen to "his" faith, I looked for answers.
I found them. I found answers to why Don was able to come back, and why he had to leave, and why many years later he could not come and "watch over" me as I struggled with life.
I was eight when he passed. He was eleven. My oldest brother was thirteen. It was a hard time, but because I have believed on his name, I have seen many signs and wonders. I have known the love of my Savior around me. This has been a great joy to me. But not the greatest joy. The greatest joy has come to me as I have been able to share the love of the Savior with others. Through service, testimony, friendship, and study.

WITH MY FATHER'S FAMILY (near the grave)

These verses talk about the years that preceded our Savior's life here on earth. Samuel was but one of many prophets who have testified to the signs that will witness to his birth, his death, and his purpose. It is a gift that God has given us to help us return to him. It is a gift that must not only be opened but also be used in order for it to give us any hope of His promise.

But I promise you this. I promise that for those who "shall believe on his name" shall have many signs and wonders of his love. We pass through so much of our life with blinders on. We are so very unaware of all the work that God's angels do in our behalf. Every now and again when we have insight into his mighty miracles that help us to understand the pureness of his love, I hope that we might "fall to the earth" and give thanks for all he does for us "that believe on his name."

Words and Phrases

vs 1 which cannot be written- some prophesies are not to be written. Some cannot be for they are too sacred. They must remain between a loving father who gives them and those that believe. For those who do not believe another sign of something they do not understand will not make a difference. We must first believe.
vs2 all those who shall believe on his name - these shall be redeemed.(put back on the right path) (cleansed of sin) ..Samuel told them that a sign he would give to help them understand, to direct their path, to give them hope... and strengthen their faith. 5 years Son of man will come.
vs 3 the sign is .. that 1. there will be lights in heaven 2. no darkness

vs 4 a day and a night and a day... what was supposed to happen happened but without darkness. We saw the lights go out, but no one turned the switch. The people of Samuel's day saw the sun go down and the sun rise but no darkness came.
vs 5 a new star - astronomers have astronomical proof as to the existence of the birth of a new star at the time of Christ's birth. If it were to be infatically proven with scientific data, like in the time of Samuel, it would only be a sign to those who believe. Other's usually do not have time to think or understand because their treasures are not found in the nature that respects God, it is not found in the laws that govern the universe.

vs 6 many signs and wonders - When we believe, God sends us our own signs and wonders that He lives. We are not left alone. We are not left to our own faith. God sends us signs to direct our path and guide our choices. But we will miss them if we don't believe.
vs 7 amazed and wonder - When ye shall receive your own personal signs, ye will have amazement and wonder. Record them. Ponder them, study them, consider them, and then ask God.

vs 8 believe on the Son of God, the same shall have everlasting life- Why? Because in believing we unwrap His gift to us. In believing we find hope. IN believing we are cleansed and redeemed from our sins. In believing we find strength and knowledge, but mostly we find forgiveness.

vs 9 Cry unto this people- When you believe and you have signs and wonders that direct you and give you guidance that keeps you from harm and helps you gain greater understanding, be sure to speak your part and tell others. The power of the word will change universes.

vs 10 it was hard against you - the truth is not an easy pill to swallow. Few people can naturally do so. To hear the word of God ye must be humble, teachable, and willing to change what needs to be changed within you: attitude, service, virtue, love, and hope.
Do not cast out those that speak truth. The sad thing here is that most of those that are bold enough to speak truth to us are within our own family. The demise of the family in these last days is due mostly to the pride of men's hearts. Do not be so proud as to not hear the pain and frustration of those that love you the most.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

all things are become slippery (Helaman 13: 31-39)

What do you hold precious?
What would change your world if "on the morrow it was gone?"

The house appeared dark as if no one was home. But we were home. We were living in the basement of our large brick Tudor while the kitchen was being remodeled. So when we arrived home that evening we all slid down the basement stairways to find food. The fall air had combined with the dusk to give us a chill. The aroma of the crock pot dinner danced around the table.

"What was that noise?" My oldest daughter asked as we gathered around for dinner.
"Probably just the wind blowing through the breezeway."

A loud bang caused me to follow the noise up and out of the basement to investigate. I swung open the screen door and saw him. A young teenage male scrambled onto my son's bike. He never looked back as he sped down the long driveway and up the street. I chased after him, but it was to no avail. My neighbor saw me chasing him and came out to help. She was able to help fill in details for the police report.

She had seen him perusing our street, walking very brazenly through the yards and taking great risks. The bikes were parked out of sight within the breezeway walk path, far from the obvious eye. I was amazed at his ability to steal the bike while we were less than ten feet away.
This was a difficult lesson on the reality of theft, and my lacrosse-son was devastated. Even though the bike was registered with the police and the police had a description of it, it was not to be found.

I wondered about the risks that people will take to take the things of others. I wondered about what they value most in life? The security that things bring or the security from living with trust and faith in others? I had to realize that "it" was just a bike. We were all safe and together. We were unharmed. This time the intruder had merely taken a set of wheels, but what if he had wanted more?

Helaman's verses seem so straightforward and maybe they are, but as I read them I was surprised to find a true significance to today's world. When we begin to value our riches more than we value our relationships with one another then we allow our riches to curse us.

We live in a world where not only the material possessions we own can become slippery and grow legs, but many of the other things that we call riches can easily slip away. I am speaking of our nation's dependency on electricity. Many of our riches are tied up in our dependency on electricity.

One hundred years ago our nation, our community, our families were not so dependent on electricity. Today the lives we live would be totally crippled without it. In terms of our "riches" today with a growing technological infrastructure "nearly 15 percent of all US commerce goes through PayPal." (www.wired.com) The business world already uses ebanking, ecommerceand Emoney to conduct transactions. Paper money is not needed. The community that relied on paper money, on relationships that secured the value of the paper money are becoming slippery and fading away.

Why? Because the allure of technology, the ease, the comfort found within our homes. The paperless trail sounds great. Easy. Effortless. Safe, Secure.
Think Again. What happens if the electricity goes out? What happens if a disaster occurs? The people of that endured the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will tell you it was not easy, safe, or secure for them. Without electricity, many of these people were "non-identifiable". Not only were they unable to prove their identity, but the possibility of their identity being stolen or used became a very real possibility. Their paper identity had been washed away. But so had their electronic identity. And sadly because we rely so much on electronic communication their sense of community that allowed them to link with others and find comfort and security in the human race had long ago slipped away.

Our nation has become dependent upon electrical power. We could not travel, do business, or conduct ourselves civilly without it. Think what would happen if all of the electricity in American went down? No money. no gas. no heat or air. no food. no identity. We are all totally dependent upon it. NO computer. no files. no bank transactions. No community.

Now think back to a simpler time when we didn't need electricity to get food. We needed only to have a community of friends and neighbors. We built relationships with our neighbors so that if an emergency occurred we would be able to rely on them. We entertained our friends. We played games together and laughed with one another. We built business relationships with the grocery-man, banker, the gas station attendant, and the pharmacist.

I remember when the the 1976 gas crises occurred and all the gas stations had to ration gas. My mother was able to sit in a long line and get gas for her car because she was a regular customer. The owner knew his customers and rewarded them for their patronage. There was a sense of community that allowed him to honor those who had respected his business.

Today's electronic advancement has eroded the sense of community that America once knew and loved. I dare say that many of today's generation would not know how to have a social life without "electricity" in their lives. We still come together for school, for work, for church, but all of these community lives have been infiltrated with electronics to the point that people would rather email you and see you face to face. Why? "It saves them time." Time for what?
Eternity is a long time to live with the love of riches in your heart.

Before you write this idea off, read through the verses with the mindset of what might happen to our society if our electrical infrastructure failed. How would you get your money from the bank? You wouldn't? How would having a good relationship with the teller "behind the glass" change things in a crises?

All things are given to us for our good. God loves us. He just wants us to love him (and his children) more than we love our "riches". Our materialist world has gotten out of control just as it did in Samuel the Lamanite's day.

Words and Phrases

31 they become slippery - In Samuel's time I am certain he was referring to robbery, theft, deceit. In our day, slippery could relate to computers, info file glitches, etc. Have you ever had a computer crash and take all of your information with it? Have you ever had a file on your computer go missing? Electronic riches will prove to be much more slippery than the mere stealing of our belongings.

31 ye cannot hold them - again.. he referred to a similar circumstances of having another take from you ...where we had a robber steal from us while we were very near, but electronic riches IPODs, cell phones, they obtain the data of our lives. It is the data that we cannot hold onto. It is somewhere within the virtual world. When we place more trust in the "arm of man" and do not revere the "love of God" we are at risk of not being able to hold onto the things that we prize as most dear.

31 in the days of your poverty - I believe he is referring to the poverty of our spirits. We cannot retain riches when we do not value the source from whence they come. (one another). When we value one another and God, we will always have sufficient for our need.

32. your desolation is already come upon you - when we are without one another, when we place riches before community, before God, before the love and service of our fellow man, the desolation is within our hearts. We cannot stop it unless we change our ways and learn to love others as God does.

33 Oh that we had remembered the Lord our God .. in the day he gave us our riches. Riches that are received as a blessing from God come as a blessing into our lives. Why? Because of how we receive them. Attitude is everything. How we use them to bless the lives of others is paramount to how they in turn bless our lives. When we use them for selfish endeavors we reap selfish rewards.

33. riches are gone from us.- When Job lost all of his wealth, family, and possessions, he was not forsaken. He had his love and faith of God. His possessions were gone, but his riches were in his heart. His riches were of a spiritual and eternal nature. They brought him through the difficulties in a a way that the love of material possessions can not. In terms of identity... if you consider the story of Job.. He lost everything he owned and yet he was able to recover? Why? Because his identity was not caught up in his possessions. His identity was wrapped around his love and respect for God.

34. on the morrow it is gone... material possession may disappear, but faith will be there on the morrow. God's love will be there. Intelligence will be there.

37 we are encircled about by the angels of him who sought to destroy our souls - riches when sought for and obtained for selfish reasons destroy the soul. Riches that are not used to give aid to the poor, the sick and the needy bring the curse of selfishness, loneliness, and greed. I think about all of the products on today's market that seek to "get gain" and in the process destroy our souls. They are many.

38 ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain - we live like a chain of caterpillars who march round in circles until they die. When we don't learn to love, when we don't learn to give unselfishly, when we don't learn to love others more than the cost of things, more than the riches we acquire, then we live in vain. We must love, give, serve, hope, and help one another.

38 ye have sought happiness in doing iniquity - the iniquity comes in not taking time to love others, but always seeking more riches, more time away from the community that would teach us the value of one anothers gifts. Possessions were not meant to be hoarded, but rather to aid and help one another on our journey of life.
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